We develop customized solutions that meet our clients’ specific needs and help to ensure that their properties are safe and healthy.
Mitigation/Vapor Intrusion
Vapor intrusion occurs when volatile compounds migrate from shallow groundwater and/or soil and soil vapor into inhabited buildings where it can pose a threat to human health.
In recent years, regulatory agencies have focused on vapor intrusion risks and have implemented ever-evolving and more stringent guidelines and regulations to address the issue.
If vapor intrusion is found to be a risk, regulators generally require the removal or treatment of the source of contamination with the goal of reducing or eliminating the risk of vapor intrusion entirely.
Mitigation of the threat by installing vapor barriers or ventilation systems to prevent the chemicals or gasses from entering indoor spaces is also a primary risk-reduction tool.
EnviroAssets is experienced with vapor mitigation approaches for new or existing buildings including design and installation of sub slab depressurization or ventilation systems, passive ventilation systems, installation of vapor barriers and slab sealing techniques, and alteration of HVAC function and/or addition of indoor air filtration systems.
Currently, regulatory guidance concentrations are highly conservative such that a remedial solution without long-term mitigation is frequently not achievable in a reasonable time frame or cost framework.
Consequently, realistic integration of vapor mitigation strategies with company planning is critical. This can involve clarifying ongoing liabilities by achieving approved remedial action plans or other regulatory risk-management vehicles such as California Land Reuse and Revitalization Act (CLRRA) agreements.
Our complementary expertise in investigation and remediation combined with regulatory negotiation drives our pragmatic approach to environmental management.
We develop customized solutions that meet our clients’ specific needs and help to ensure their properties are safe and healthy for occupants and are ready to be sold or redeveloped.